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Electrolyzed Water

Electrolyzed water is generated using water, salt and electricity. The process is called electrolysis and involves applying a direct electriccurrent (DC) across a pair of electrodes immersed in a solution of ions to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.

About The Process of Electrolysis

Electrolyzed water is generated using water, salt and electricity. The process is called electrolysis and involves applying a direct electriccurrent (DC) across a pair of electrodes immersed in a solution of ions to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.

The key process is the removal or addition of electrons and therefore a change in the oxidation-reduction potential of the solution. Electrolysis is a well-known technology but the generated solution can be highly variable depending on many factors such as the quality of the electrolysis cells, the chemistry of the additive, and the software settings of the electrolyzer systems.

Ecoloxtech’s Electrolysis Systems

ECOLOXTECH electrolysis systems are capable of generating neutral-to-acidic electrolyzed water (anolyte) for cleaning & sanitation and for water disinfection. The anolyte is composed primarily of the free chlorine molecule hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a powerful oxidant.

ECOLOXTECH manufactures the highest quality electrolysis cells and has identified the optimal formulas and settings of voltage, amperage, and flow rates for our systems to generate the highest quality solutions of HOCl for food sanitation, general sanitation and water disinfection.


Generate electroyzed water on-site and on-demand
• Eliminates the logistical resources for purchasing, transporting, storing, and preparing of chemicals
• Non-toxic properties reduce regulatory paperwork, safety training, and liability exposure
• No harmful residuals, therefore no potable water rinse required after application
Allows for the dis
infection of areas where toxic chemicals were not permitted
• No protective gear required (no inhalation, ocular, cutaneous, or ingestion risks)
• No harmful residuals
• No exposure limits
• No special disposal required
• Does not require a hazardous use permit



Generated on-site from just table salt (NaCl), water, and electricity, electrolyzed sanitizing water is safe and all-natural, allowing for it to be used for applications where traditional chemicals cannot.

Electrolyzed sanitizing water can be used for food sanitation and all food contact surfaces.

Water Disinfection

Electrolyzing water generates an anolyte of hypochlorous acid, the most powerful free chlorine molecule for disinfecting drinking water. Electrolyzed water can be used to disinfect water for any home, commercial, or industrial application.

Electrolyzed water can disinfect public drinking water, can be used in manufacturing, and can be used in wastewater recovery systems.


Single Cell Technology

ECOLOXTECH electrolyzed water systems utilize single cell technology and are different from almost every other electrolyzer on the market. The ECOLOXTECH electrolyzers do not contain a diaphragm (or membrane) but are a single stream system that generates only an anolyte solution. The pH of the generated anolyte solution depends on several variables such as the pH of the additive, the pH of the flow water, and the amperage settings on the electrolysis cells.

Most other electrolyzed water systems are dual stream systems that contain a diaphragm (or membrane) separating the cathode from the anode. Dual stream systems operate under very high pressures and generate two solutions, half of which is acidic electrolyzed water (containing hypochlorous acid) and half of which is alkaline electrolyzed water (containing sodium hydroxide).

There are some electrolyzed water systems that are categorized as single stream but also contain a diaphragm. These systems combine the two electrolytes to generate one solution of pH neutral electrolyzed water. These systems, like the dual stream systems, operate under very high pressures.

All systems that use membrane technology require frequent maintenance secondary to the high pressures inside the systems that cause the machines to break-down. Electrolyzers manufactured by ECOLOXTECH do not contain a diaphragm and are built with the highest quality components for dependability. There are no high pressures and therefore minimal maintenance is required.