
Revolutionize Poultry Hygiene, and Safety with HOCL Solutions


  • Using Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) in poultry operations, including broiler houses, slaughterhouses, chillers, and other processing areas, brings numerous benefits that can significantly improve both the efficiency and safety of these environments
  • HOCL is a powerful disinfectant known for its efficacy in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it an ideal choice for the rigorous demands of poultry production and processing

Effective Pathogen Control

  • HOCL is highly effective at eliminating a wide range of pathogens, including Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli, which are of particular concern in poultry operations.
  • Its ability to rapidly disinfect surfaces and equipment helps in significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination and infection spread.
Poultry processing line

Safety for Animals and Workers

Unlike many chemical disinfectants that can pose health risks to both animals and humans, HOCL is non-toxic and safe to use around workers and livestock

It doesn’t produce harmful residues or fumes, ensuring a safer environment for everyone involved in the operation

EcoloxTech food approved sanitizer

Environmentally Friendly

  • HOCL breaks down into simple, non-toxic components (salt and water), making it an environmentally responsible choice
  • This characteristic is especially important in agricultural operations, where runoff and waste management are key environmental concerns

Enhances Product Quality and Shelf Life

  • By effectively reducing microbial loads on poultry products, HOCL helps in enhancing the overall quality and safety of the meat
  • This not only meets regulatory standards but can also extend the shelf life of poultry products, providing a direct benefit to both producers and consumers.

Cost-Effective and Efficient

HOCL can be generated on-site using electrolyzed water systems, which can be more cost-effective than purchasing and storing traditional

Additionally, HOCL solutions are effective at lower concentrations and require shorter contact times, increasing operational efficiency.

Versatility in Application

  • HOCL can be used in various stages of poultry production and processing, from disinfecting drinking water for birds to sanitizing equipment and surfaces in processing areas
  • Its versatility also extends to different application methods, such as fogging, spraying, or direct application, allowing for comprehensive and efficient disinfection routines.

Reduces Antibiotic Use

  • By effectively controlling pathogens in the poultry environment, HOCL helps in reducing the need for antibiotics, which is a significant benefit in the context of antibiotic resistance concerns
  • This aligns with consumer demand for more naturally raised poultry and can be a strong marketing point.

Improves Air Quality

When used in broiler houses and other poultry facilities, HOCL can help in reducing odors and improving air quality.

This not only creates a more pleasant and healthier work environment but also contributes to better living conditions for the poultry, which can positively impact their growth and health.

EcoloxTech HOCL 200 is an EPA-Registered Disinfectant with Registration number 101112-1


  • In past trials, HOCL improved food conversion ratios, increased flock weight, and reduced mortality, showcasing its efficacy in enhancing overall poultry production efficiency.
  • Incorporating HOCL into poultry operations offers a wide array of benefits, from enhancing biosecurity and product quality to ensuring environmental sustainability and operational efficiency.
  • Its safety profile, combined with its effectiveness against pathogens, makes HOCL an invaluable tool in modern poultry production and processing environments.

Contact Info






+1 954-900-6070


EPA Reg # 101112-1 FDA FCN/PNC 2800