Prevention-is-Better-than-the-Cure-Seven-Tips-on-Cold-and-Flu-Prevention Ecoloxtech

Prevention is Better than the Cure: Seven Tips on Cold and Flu Prevention


Every year, governments around the world spend a lot of money dealing with the aftermath of the cold and flu virus. In the US alone, Influenza (or the flu) costs taxpayers approximately $10.4 billion annually[i]. But there’s also a human toll. US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that between 9 and 41-million flu-related illnesses occur each year, with 140-thousand and 710-thousand hospitalizations. Most seriously is the annual death toll – between 12,000 and 52,000! To alleviate this situation, experts recommend preventative measures that keep you safe from contracting these viruses.


How Disinfectants Aid in Cold & Flu Prevention



Contrary to urban myths, you don’t catch the cold or flu from just exposure to a cold wind or chilly temperatures. While lower temperatures do play a role – i.e., the cold/flu-causing agents spread quicker in cold than warmer temperatures – the chief culprit for propagating the cold, flu, or any other viral infection, such as Influenza or even COVID-19, is the underlying virus responsible for the associated symptoms.


Individuals who come in contact with these viruses, either through inhalation, surface contact, or transference, are more inclined to catch a cold or get the flu, than people who don’t. A primary line of defense against these disease-carrying viruses is disinfection. And here’s how disinfectants help prevent the spread of the cold and flu (and even COVID-19) virus.


Most viruses come equipped with built-in armor: An outer protein coating that protects them from the environment, and helps them stay active longer. When viruses deposit themselves on a surface, depending on the environment they encounter, they can remain active for some time. When you spray, wipe, or douse surfaces with a disinfectant, such as Hypochlorous Acid (HOCI), the disinfecting agent comes in contact with the virus and begins a chemical reaction with the protein coating.


Once these outer walls are destroyed, the disinfectant comes into direct contact with the virus, and inactivates or kills them. Even in environments, where there’s a risk of airborne transmission, sprayers and foggers can help in the fight against viral infection. Threat neutralized! Regular sanitization, disinfection and cleaning, with a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved product, is the best way to prevent the spreading of cold, flu and other viral infections.



Sage Advice: Prevention is Better Than the Cure


With advances in today’s medicine and medical research, getting the cold or flu isn’t as devastating as a few decades ago. Still, these diseases can cost billions of dollars to the economy, besides the suffering and lost wages and time off work that individuals suffer. When it comes to avoiding the cold or flu virus, an ounce of prevention goes a long way. Here are some tips that you can follow to keep yourself safe:


  • Mask Up: When you are in a crowded setting, like on a train, bus, or in a public building, always wear a mask. In such settings, germs spread through individual transmittal of respiratory droplets. Your mask is a first line of defense against inhaling an infected person’s droplets. Additionally, if you are infected, wearing a mask protects others from potential infection by you.
  • Wash Up: Your hands can potentially be carriers of the cold or flu virus. Regularly washing your hands with a mild, non-abrasive, non-alcohol-based solution such as Hypochlorous Acid, kills those germs and prevents the spread of cold and flu in its tracks.
  • Glove Up: If you work in a congregate setting, such as a hospital, at concession stalls at a stadium, a restaurant, or an entertainment center, you’re in higher risk of contracting the virus on your hands through touch transference. Yet, it might be challenging to continually wash your hands. Wearing a pair of disposable gloves, and frequently changing them for a new pair, is a good way to prevent yourself and others from the flu or cold virus.
  • Protect your nose, face and mouth: When about your daily routine, you might touch your face, nose, or mouth, and inadvertently contract the virus from transference from your hands and fingers. Even a gloved hand can transfer those germs into your mouth or nose. A good practice is to avoid touching your nose, face, or mouth unless you’ve washed-up with soap and water, or a spray of HOCL disinfectant.
  • Practice correct coughing and sneezing hygiene: One isn’t always aware that they have the flu, because symptoms may take a day or so after infection to manifest themselves. It’s therefore good practice to cover your mouth and nose when you cough, sneeze, or clear your throat, to not vaporize your breath particles to prevent others from getting infected.
  • Prevent spreading it! People with flu are most at risk of spreading it within the initial 3-days of infection. If you’re feeling sick, experiencing flu-like symptoms, or have the cold or flu – stay isolated! While you may not have been successful at preventing yourself from falling victim to the germs, you can prevent others from catching them through you!
  • Vax Up: The best form of prevention is to get up-to-date with vaccinations. This might not appeal to every individual – and therefore there are other preventative strategies discussed above. However, even if you are inclined to get the shots, it’s prudent to first check with your physician to see if you are eligible.



As noted earlier in this post, one of the best defenses against falling prey to the cold or flu virus, is disinfection. While you could spend a fortune developing a disinfection protocol for your home, office or business with commercially-available disinfectants, in-house manufactured HOCL is now a better, less costly, and more effective alternative. Hypochlorous acid are produced by devices that use household ingredients – table salt, water and electricity – to make a disinfectant that’s 80-times more powerful than bleach, yet 100% safer.


Use these devices to produce unlimited quantity of disinfectant, and use it to clean, sanitize and disinfect all potential touch surfaces in your home, business, or commercial establishment. Disinfecting door handles, tables, countertops, desks, chairs, kitchenware, refrigerator handles, stair banisters and posts, and other surfaces can help prevent the spread of cold and flu before you catch it!   



Other Uses of Hypochlorous Acid


We said earlier that hypochlorous acid is a general disinfectant. These are the other things that hypochlorous acid can be used to disinfect:

  • Food Produce
  • Meat
  • Furniture
  • Surgical/Medical Equipment
  • Livestock
  • Water
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Household furniture and fittings
  • Toilets and bathrooms, among others.



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