Introducing-EcoloxTech-Leading-the-Way-in-Eco-Friendly-Disinfection-Solutions-Its-Products-Kill-99.9-of-Pathogens-including-MRSA-COVID-E.-Coli-Norovirus Ecoloxtech

Introducing EcoloxTech: Leading the Way in Eco-Friendly Disinfection Solutions, Its Products Kill 99.9% of Pathogens, including MRSA, COVID, E. Coli, & Norovirus

West Palm Beach, FL  (  EcoloxTech is leading the way in eco-friendly disinfection solutions. The company’s cutting-edge technology harnesses the power of electrolyzed water to create a safe, effective, and sustainable disinfectant that’s highly effective in killing a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

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